Transform Your Body and mind with HAWC

Facility Schedule

About HAWC

Housatonic Athletic Wellness Center, Sandy Hook, CT

The sports industry has exploded over the last 10 years more so than the prior 30 years, but the model to create high levels of performance across multiple sports has varied. At Housatonic Athletic Wellness Center we focus on creating a “one-stop shop” for all of a student-athletes' needs (regardless of sport) ranging from Strength & Conditioning to Physical Therapy & Preventative Injury Maintenance to Mental Sports Therapy, etc. You will find our robust list of services on the "Services Page".

Part of what folks like about the HAWC Model is that we provide recommendations based on conversations, evaluations, and assessments of a student-athlete. We will not dictate services as each family has different goals and objectives. Our purpose is to find any weakness that you may possess as an athlete and convert it into a strength with a keen focus of not overcompensating for any one weakness.


Sports Covered


Athletes (Ages 4-18)


NCAA Commits

Housatonic Athletic Wellness Center NEWS

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